Jackson Vetos Second Bank of the U.S. Supported by Henry Clay and created under the American system
Franklin D. Roosevelt elected Believed in active government and he grew the government more than any president before him.
Expanding the fur trade, later plantations in Louisiana
March on Washington Hundreds of thousands gathered for a peaceful protest in front of the lincoln memorial. MLK gave his 'I have a dream' speech
Jefferson policy on indigenous Americans He favored removing them to reservations beyond the Mississippi if they refused to "civilize" themselves. Some unified and began violently resisting with help from the British
Noah Webster's dictionary standardized the spelling and pronunciation of American language
Compromise of 1820 Bring in Missouri and Maine at the same time to keep the balance of power. Also limited slavery above a certain latitude.
Korematsu vs. U.S. Challenged the practice of Japanese Internment, but SCOTUS ruled that it was a wartime necessity
Populist party Wanted to correct the concentration of power held by banks and trusts. Proposed the Omaha platform: Direct election of senators, more referendums, graduated income tax, and an 8-hour workday
Andrew Carnegie argued that those with wealth should invest it into society
Niagra movement Led by W.E.B. Dubois who organized a group of black intellectuals who met and organized to secure rights for African americans
Republican party formed A coalition of free soilers and whigs and northern democrats who's goal was to stop the spread of slavery.
Expansion of democracy Voting rights were expanded to all white males
Manifest destiny Americans believed they had a God-given right to have a nation from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
Political machines Corrupt political bosses and their followers
Ensured Americans were eating safe and uncontaminated food
Stamp act congress Delegates met in New York to send the "declaration of rights & grievances" to the king. They also organized a boycott of British goods.
French revolution
France and others wanted their debt paid back, yet the national government didn’t have money. States had individual economies that didn’t collaborate.
Pequot war
Hola Hello
Sioux wars Sioux initally won a deceive victory against the U.S. army.
Laws helped codify racial differneces. They wanted to prevent the growth of the free black population by banning interracial marriage. Also slavery was becoming cheaper than indentured servitude
7 years war
Great society An extension of the New Deal: War on Poverty Office of Economic Opportunity, Medicare, Medicaid, immigration act
The plan for representation favored by large states. It called for 2 houses with population based representation and a strong national government.
Boston massacre Parliament sent 1,000 troops to boston to enforce the townshend acts. Protesters began throwing snowballs, and eventually rocks at a group of soldiers. Someone fired a shot, and the soldiers killed 5 protesters
Laissez-faire economics
Ida Tarbell Published a devastating investigation of standard oil in 1902
Investigative journalists who exposed the underbelly of corruption rampant in American.
Dutch colonization Fur trade and other economic reasons
An aggressive foreign policy that got the U.S. involved in many foreign conflicts
Palmer raids The AG tasked FBI Director Hoover to gather information on suspected communists and led to mass arrests and deportations
Townshend Acts
Whigs New party led by Henry Clay. Main difference was disagreement over federal power
Anaconda plan
National Grange movement Social and educational collective aimed at brining farmers together. Soon became political to lobby for farmers
Declaratory act Parliament repealed the stamp act, but enacted the declaratory act, saying they could pass any law they wanted.
The great migration Over 1.5 million African Americans moved north in search of economic opportunities created by the war effort and an escape from southern discrimination
British impressment The British continued to kidnap american sailors. Washington sent John Jay to london to negotiate
Lend-Lease Act Allowed Britain to 'borrow' the weapons they needed
White collar workers All the industrialization created a new type of work for managers and administrators who ran the factories instead of working in them
Jefferson's presidency He himself owned hundreds of slaves. He banned the importation of slaves. Once the Atlantic trade dried up, domestic trade increased, creating the second middle passage
Age of passion Politics was very negative with the rise of political parties, political violence, and deep political divisions
Lexington and Concorde British troops marched to take a militia's weapons. They we're beaten back and chased back to boston by militia minutemen
Cash and Carry Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass a looser version of the neutrality act that allowed anyone to purchase arms from the U.S. as long as they paid in cash and used their own ships to transport it
Korematsu vs. U.S. Challenged the practice of Japanese Internment, but SCOTUS ruled that it was a wartime necessity
Reconstruction acts Divided the south into 5 zones under military occupation. Increased requirements for rejoining (also ratify 14th amendment and have universal suffrage)
Federalism The division of powers between different levels of government.
Led the protests for fair labor for agricultural workers
Mandated fair congressional districts
Philippines Teddy Roosevelt sent an American fleet to attack the Spanish colony. They staged a ground invasion in collaboration with Filipino nationalists and overthrew the Spanish, before buying it from them
The Albany conference Meeting between leaders of 7 colonies to create a plan for joint defense and administration of the colonies. "Join or die"
Changes in farming A new focus on cash-crops in the north and west, and a shift to more expensive mechanized farming methods put smaller farms out of business. Big trusts that farmers relied on (like railroads) also raised prices, making it even harder for farmers to make a living
When coal miners began to strike, Roosevelt stepped in to negotiate what he called a 'square deal' for both the workers and the corperation
Pequot war
Farmers wanted to print more money so they could more easily pay back their debts, but the bankers and the wealthy wanted to keep the U.S. Dollar on the gold standard
Britians first colony, established in outer banks, NC. When they came back, it was abandonded
Stopped the president from removing a member of their cabinet without congressional approval (Johnson had tried to remove his secretary of war, who was a radical Republican)
Indian Removal Act of 1830
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