Baker vs. Carr Mandated fair congressional districts
Advocated violence when necessary in defense of black rights
Watts Riots of 1965 After the arrest of a black motorist by white officers, rioters killed over 30 people and destroyed hundreds of buildings in Los Angeles
Phyllis Schlafly Organized the conservative opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment
A conflict between two belligerents where neither engages in conflict with the other
Marshall plan
Cesar Chavez Led the protests for fair labor for agricultural workers
Counter culture A movement, mostly among young people who cast off societal restraint with rebellious clothing and experimental drug use
Gave WW2 veterans the opportunity to go to college for free (paid by the Government)
After WWII there was a massive movement of decolonization throughout the world. Many of these new nations were unstable and needed aid, creating perfect conditions for proxy wars
Red scare House Unamerican activities community searched for communist influence in American society (Government, military, film industry, Boy Scouts)
Malcom X Advocated countering white violence with black violence
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Engel vs. Vitale
Sit-in movement Thousands of black folks sat a segregated food counters and refused to move until they were taken out by force and jailed
Brown v. Board of education The Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were inherently unequal and schools had to be integrated. Overturned plessy v. Ferguson from 1896
Great society An extension of the New Deal: War on Poverty Office of Economic Opportunity, Medicare, Medicaid, immigration act
March on Washington Hundreds of thousands gathered for a peaceful protest in front of the lincoln memorial. MLK gave his 'I have a dream' speech
N.O.W. Advocated for women's rights using many of the same tactics as the civil rights movement
EPA Created in response to growing backlash from environmental disasters. Sought to place limits on pollution in the air and water
The Feminine Mystique Explained the boredom and imprisonment of the typical housewife who was beholden to the needs of her family at the expense of her own needs. Argued that women should seek fulfilment and careers as well.
Southern resistance to integration Argued that the Supreme Court had engaged in a gross abuse of power
Truman took measures to contain the spread of communism. The U.S. would provide economic and military support to any country fighting communism
Nixon's appointments (who he'd assumed who be conservative) ruled in favor of abortion rights
Attitudes towards Germany Wanted to keep Germany weak so they wouldn't pose a threat. Wanted to extract reparations for all the damage Germany had caused
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger
Prohibited racial discrimination in the voting booth
Self-determination Act of 1975
Baker vs. Carr Mandated fair congressional districts
Self-determination Act of 1975 Gave Native Americans much greater control over their lands, education, and law enforcement
Attitudes towards Germany
Cesar Chavez Led the protests for fair labor for agricultural workers
Brown v. Board of education The Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were inherently unequal and schools had to be integrated. Overturned plessy v. Ferguson from 1896
Explained the boredom and imprisonment of the typical housewife who was beholden to the needs of her family at the expense of her own needs. Argued that women should seek fulfilment and careers as well.
Organized the conservative opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment
A conflict between two belligerents where neither engages in conflict with the other
GI Bill Gave WW2 veterans the opportunity to go to college for free (paid by the Government)
After the arrest of a black motorist by white officers, rioters killed over 30 people and destroyed hundreds of buildings in Los Angeles
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger Her refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger, and subsequent arrest sparked a massive bus boycott
Voting Rights Act of 1965
EPA Created in response to growing backlash from environmental disasters. Sought to place limits on pollution in the air and water
Marshall plan The extensive economic aid plan to rebuild the European economy and encourage democracy
Sit-in movement
March on Washington Hundreds of thousands gathered for a peaceful protest in front of the lincoln memorial. MLK gave his 'I have a dream' speech
Great society An extension of the New Deal: War on Poverty Office of Economic Opportunity, Medicare, Medicaid, immigration act
Engel vs. Vitale Prohibited prayers in school
Red scare House Unamerican activities community searched for communist influence in American society (Government, military, film industry, Boy Scouts)
Black Panthers
Malcom X Advocated countering white violence with black violence
Counter culture A movement, mostly among young people who cast off societal restraint with rebellious clothing and experimental drug use
Roe v. Wade Nixon's appointments (who he'd assumed who be conservative) ruled in favor of abortion rights
N.O.W. Advocated for women's rights using many of the same tactics as the civil rights movement
Southern resistance to integration
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Made discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or sex illegal
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