fourteen points Wilson articulated his vision for the post-war world. Freedom of navigation, self-determination of nations, and a league of Nations (before the UN)
Sinking of the Lusitania A German U-Boat sank a passenger ship with 128 Americans on board
Palmer raids The AG tasked FBI Director Hoover to gather information on suspected communists and led to mass arrests and deportations
In Tennessee it was illegal to teach Darwin's theory of evolution to children. A teacher was arrested for teaching it to his class. In the end, the conviction was thrown out on a technicality.
Progressive's concerns
Great depression The stock market collapsed on black Tuesday. People borrowed money to invest in the stock market. Everyone lost their money.
1920's economic boom
Wrote the book 'The Jungle' to expose the dangerous conditions of factory workers and the unsanitary meat packers
Anti-german sentiment shifted to anti-communist sentiment as people feared communist infiltration from Russia
Spanish-American War
American imperialism Ideas about expansion and manifest destiny were engrained into the American identity. America purchased Alaska in 1867.
N.A.A.C.P Sought to abolish all forms of segregation and expand educational opportunities for black children (and others)
Niagra movement Led by W.E.B. Dubois who organized a group of black intellectuals who met and organized to secure rights for African americans
Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass a looser version of the neutrality act that allowed anyone to purchase arms from the U.S. as long as they paid in cash and used their own ships to transport it
Lend-Lease Act Allowed Britain to 'borrow' the weapons they needed
Embraced the changing culture with respect to gender roles and scientific discoveries Lived in urban areas
Harlem Renaissance Black artists and performers developed a distinct art that grew out of the black experience
On his first day in office, WW addressed Congress on the need to provide relief to Americans by lowering tariffs
Published a devastating investigation of standard oil in 1902
Secret ballot Helped make voting more fair by giving voters privacy and preventing party bosses from pressuring people into voting for them
President McKinley was assassinated and Teddy Roosevelt became president
18th amendment passed Banned the sale of alcohol. They thought it would right the moral wrongs of society, but it had the opposite effect
1920's politics
Wilson created many wartime agencies to coordinate the war. They encouraged Americans to ration resources and food, took control of railroads, and revitalized industries, causing more urban migration.
Assembly line A new and more efficient way to manufacture products like cars
Jacob Riis
Booker T. Washington He argued that to achieve political equality, African Americans had to engage themselves in education and economic endavors
Franklin D. Roosevelt elected
Direct election of senators
1920's politics
Led by W.E.B. Dubois who organized a group of black intellectuals who met and organized to secure rights for African americans
Square deal When coal miners began to strike, Roosevelt stepped in to negotiate what he called a 'square deal' for both the workers and the corperation
Enforcing the Sherman Anti-trust Act Roosevelt began enforcing the act more strictly and dismantled over 40 large companies (only bad trusts)
Flappers Women who rejected stereotypical gender roles by drinking and smoking and having short hair
Teddy Roosevelt sent an American fleet to attack the Spanish colony. They staged a ground invasion in collaboration with Filipino nationalists and overthrew the Spanish, before buying it from them
Espionage Act of 1917 Anyone who tried to incite rebellion or obstruct the draft would go to prison
Over 1.5 million African Americans moved north in search of economic opportunities created by the war effort and an escape from southern discrimination
Lend-Lease Act Allowed Britain to 'borrow' the weapons they needed
Rising power of big businesses Uncertainties in the economy Violence between labor groups and employers Influence of political machines Jim Crow segregation Rights of women
Wilson created many wartime agencies to coordinate the war. They encouraged Americans to ration resources and food, took control of railroads, and revitalized industries, causing more urban migration.
Mass culture
Woodrow Wilson's Triple wall of privilege
Sedition act of 1918 Prohibited anyone from making negative comments about the government
Cash and Carry Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass a looser version of the neutrality act that allowed anyone to purchase arms from the U.S. as long as they paid in cash and used their own ships to transport it
Germany solicited Mexico to become an ally of theirs, and in return they would help Mexico regain the land that they had lost in the Mexican-American war.
Wrote the book 'The Jungle' to expose the dangerous conditions of factory workers and the unsanitary meat packers
Helped make voting more fair by giving voters privacy and preventing party bosses from pressuring people into voting for them
Harlem Renaissance Black artists and performers developed a distinct art that grew out of the black experience
Ideas about expansion and manifest destiny were engrained into the American identity. America purchased Alaska in 1867.
Investigative journalists who exposed the underbelly of corruption rampant in American.
Believed the president should set the legislative agenda for Congress. He led congress to pass a series of laws on consumer protection and enviornmental conservation
Red Scare
Sought to abolish all forms of segregation and expand educational opportunities for black children (and others)
Immigration Quotas Limited the number of eastern European and Asian immigrants
Sinking of the Lusitania
Assembly line A new and more efficient way to manufacture products like cars
Believed in active government and he grew the government more than any president before him.
fourteen points
Player 1 wins!

Player 2 wins!

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