Mass media
Articles of Confederation the first written constitution of the United States, which went into effect in 1781; it created a unicameral legislature, in which each state had one vote but no executive or judicial authority; the power of the central government was extremely limited
Procedural due process
Popular Socereignty
Commerce and slave trade compromise resolved differences between northern and southern states at the constitutional convention; Congress could not tax exports nor ban the slave trade for twenty years
Powell v. Alabama (1932)
minority party is able to win the support of majority party members, independents, and new voters
Barnettte v. McColumm
Legislative Branch under Article I of the Constitution, the legislative branch consists of the House and Senate, which together form the US Congress; the prime responsibility is to make laws
Political ideology
Constitution the document setting forth the laws and principles of the government; a plan for government
Socialism a political/economic system in which the government plays a major role (usually ownership) in determining the use of productive resources and the allocation of valuable goods and services; may be democratic or authoritarian
federal courts with appellate jurisdiction that review decisions of federal district courts, regulatory commissions, and other federal courts
Nonpartisan election
the system in which a party leader rewarded political supporters with jobs or government contracts in exchange for their support of the party
Moderate person whose views are between conservative and liberal and may include some of both ideologies
Floor leaders direct majority or minority party strategy and decisions in the House and Senate
everyone should have the same chance; what individuals make of that chance depends their abilities and efforts
a campaign near the end of an election to get voters out to the polls
weakening of ties between the voters and the two major parties
Hyperpluralist Theory of Democracy seen as a system of many groups pulling government in many directions at the same time, causing gridlock and ineffectiveness
weak government government that has limited control over economy or personal lives
Initiative allows voters to petition to propose legislation and then submit it for a vote by qualified voters; not available at the national level
Keynesian economics the belief that inflation occurs when too much money is chasing too few goods; the government must manage the economy by spending more money when in a recession and cutting spending when there is inflation
a designation within a spending bill that provides for a specific expenditure
Policy formulation the development of an approach to solving a problem that is on the political agenda
Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925) States cannot ban private schools to prevent religious courses. Wisconsin v. Yoder
conformity to social norms and values, tough on criminals
Independent executive agency an agency that is part of the executive branch but not included in any executive department; the head of the agency (NASA, CIA for example) is appointed by the president and serves at the pleasure of the president
the time early in a new president's administration characterized by optimistic approval by the public
government departments headed by presidential appointees to help establish public policy and operate a specific policy area of governmental activity
Delegate an elected official who considers it an obligation to vote the way the majority of his or her constituents wants
Ideology a consistent set of beliefs by groups or individuals
a rule that says a person can't be tried twice by the same court under the same charges twice; from the 5th amendment
Policy implementation carrying out a policy through government agencies and courts
Slander false verbal statements about others that harm their reputation
Interest group
a rule of evidence that says that if the authorities act "in good faith," evidence that otherwise might have been excluded may be admissible. Modifies Mapp v. Ohio
Rider an addition or amendment added to a bill that often has no relation to the bill but that may not pass on its own
Government the formal and informal institutions, people, and processes used to create and conduct public policy
Dissenting opinion opinion justice or justices who voted in the minority, explaining the reasons for opposing the majority opinion
Sixth amendment does not selectively incorporate to providing poor people in not-capital state cases a lawyer
Get-out-the-vote a campaign near the end of an election to get voters out to the polls
Open primary a primary election in which an individual does not have to be a registered voter in a particular party to vote for candidates of that party
extension of an interest group that contributes money to political campaigns
Natural rights basic rights that are guaranteed to all persons; basic rights a government cannot deny
information provided in an interview that a reported can use but cannot make even an indirect reference to the source
Earmark a designation within a spending bill that provides for a specific expenditure
Coattail effect the ability of a strong or popular candidate to get other candidates on the ticket elected; it is a term most
Pocket veto
Congress may not make laws restricting or prohibiting a person's religious practices
Individualism the belief that individuals should be left on their own by the government
media executives, news editors, and prominent reporters who decide what news to present and how it will be presented
government corporation corporation a corporation that may receive part of its funding from Congress and is managed by a board appointed by the president; the function it performs could be carried out by private enterprise; an example is the US Postal service
determines the rules for debate for bills in the House
North American Free Trade Agreement created to allow the free movement of goods between Canada, Mexico, and the US by lowering and eliminating tariffs
Blanket primary a primary election in which candidates from all parties are on the ballot, and a registered voter can vote for the Democratic candidate for one office and the Republican candidate for another
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