President pro tempore
Open primary
a political organization, typically at the local level, that wielded considerable power through its ability
Government corporation a corporation that may receive part of its funding from Congress and is managed by a board
Constitutional freedoms guaranteed to all citizens
Standing committee a permanent committee of Congress that deals with legislation and oversight in a broad policy
Slander false verbal statements about others that harm their reputation
SuperPAC political organizations that use contributions from individuals, corporations, and labor unions to spend
Judicial activism
Dealigning election party loyalty becomes less important to voters, and they vote for the other party candidate or
Realigning election when a minority party wins by building a new coalition of voters that continues over successive
voting for candidates all of the same party
Executive agreement agreement with another head of state not requiring approval from the Senate
Full faith and credit clause
Apportionment Distribution of representatives among the states based on the population of each state
when the president takes no action on a bill within ten days of Congress adjourning, the bill does not
rule that evidence acquired as a result of an illegal act by police cannot be used against the person
determines the rules for debate for bills in the House
A trial in which the judge alone hears and rules the case
Incumbency effect tendency of those already holding office to win reelection due to advantages because they already
Gerrymandering drawing of congressional districts to favor one political party or group over another
Unitary system
Congressional review
Strict constructionist the view that justices should base decisions on a narrow interpretation of the Constitution
Opinion leaders
Judicial review authority given the courts to review the constitutionality of acts by the executive, states, or the
allows members of Congress to mail letters and other materials to constituents free of charge
Rule of four a rule that says that four of the nine Supreme Court justices must agree in conference to hear a case
Bureaucracy A way of organizing a complex administrative structure with responsibility for carrying out the day to day tasks of organizations.
Gerrymandering Gerrymandering drawing of congressional districts to favor one political party or group over another
Judicial review
Strict constructionist
Political ideology a consistent set of beliefs about politics and public policy that sets the framework for evaluating
the practice of a state choosing an early date to hold a primary election (They become more influencial)
Gatekeepers media executives, news editors, and prominent reporters who decide what news to present and how it
Delegate Representation
a governing or controlling body whose power exists only within predefined limits that are
Closed primary
Privileges and immunities clause
the first ten amendments to the constitution which protect civil liberties
supported a strong central government and ratification of the Constitution
the numerous people who are involved in the formulation of policy, including the president, members
Courts with the authority to review cases heard by other courts to correct errors or uphold rulings
Trustee representatives after listening to constituents, elected representatives vote based on their own opinions
Unitary system system a political system in which all power is derived from the central government
President pro tempore
adminstrative discretion The flexibility a federal agency can exercise in implementing legislation through its rules and regulations. The Authority delegated to bureaucrats
bill of attainder A law that makes a person guilty of a crime without a trial, it's unconstitutional
Random sampling
allows members of Congress to mail letters and other materials to constituents free of charge
De facto segregation segregation that results from living patterns rather than law
Loose constructionist
false written statements about others that harm their reputation
Opinion leaders those individuals held in great respect because of their position, expertise, or personality, who may
let the decision stand; court decisions are based on precedent from previous cases
Pork barrel legislation " Bringing home the bacon" legislation giving benefits to constituents through sometimes unnecessary or unwise projects
Government corporation a corporation that may receive part of its funding from Congress and is managed by a board
Player 1 wins!

Player 2 wins!

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