

AP Gov required scotus cases: clauses/amendments

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US v. Lopez ☝️ Click to use flashcards

AP Gov required scotus cases: clauses/amendments

15 Flashcards 0 recently 0/10

Matteo Z

The clauses or amendments from all of the required scotus cases for the AP Gov exam


US v. Lopez
Commerce Clause
Shaw v. Reno
equal protection clause
Baker v. Carr
equal protection clause
McCullagh v. Maryland
Supremacy clause
Marbury v. Madison
article 3
Tinker v. Des Moines independent school district
Freedom of speech
Wisconsin v. Yoder
free exercise clause
Engel v. Vitale
establishment clause
Citizens United v. FEC

Shneck v. US
Freedom of speech
New York times co V. US
Freedom of press
Roe v. Wade
Equal protection, Due process, 9th amendment, 14th amendment
Brown v. Board of Education
equal protection clause
McDonald v. Chicago
2nd amendment, 14th amendment
Gideon v. Wainwright
6th amendment