
Section 1: Multiple Choice questions

#1 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Election of 1828

#2 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Split within the Democratic-Republican party

#3 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Expansion of democracy

#4 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Election of 1824

#5 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Panic of 1819

Section 2: True/false questions

#6 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Cult of domesticity

A woman's identity and sense of purpose revolved around child-bearing and making her home comfortable for her husband.

#7 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Market revolution

On his way out of office, John Adams appointed 16 new judges. Jefferson refused to deliver some of these appointments. The Supreme Court established judicial review.

#8 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Compromise of 1820

Bring in Missouri and Maine at the same time to keep the balance of power. Also limited slavery above a certain latitude.

#9 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

From 1820 to 1840 nearly 2 million immigrants (mainly from Germany and Ireland) showed up

A woman's identity and sense of purpose revolved around child-bearing and making her home comfortable for her husband.

#10 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Monroe doctrine

Established the western hemisphere as a U.S.-dominated sphere of influence without European involvement.

Triple-checked your answers?