
Section 1: Multiple Choice questions

#1 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

violent tax protest from 1791-1794. the whiskey was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by president Washington to pay for the war. It unfairly burdened poor farmers west of the Appalachian mountains because they couldn't do business anymore

#2 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

alien laws

#3 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

How would the colonists win? George Washington would lead an army How would they pay for it? New currency

#4 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

The Albany conference

#5 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Stamp act congress

Section 2: True/false questions

#6 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

the Compromise of 1790

Jefferson and Hamilton agreed to pass Hamilton's financial plan in exchange for making Washington D.C. the Capital of the country

#7 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

7 years war

A dispute over a french fort spiraled into a global conflict. Indigenous tribes tried to play Britain and France off of each other.

#8 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

British beliefs after 7 years war

The plan for representation favored by small states. It called for 1 house of Congress with each state getting equal representation.

#9 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

7 years war

Secret meeting between delegates of 6 states to discuss how to fix the articles of confederation

#10 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

The middle ground

The areas where both colonists and native people would trade and coexist

Triple-checked your answers?