
Section 1: Multiple Choice questions

#1 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Gideon v. Wainwright

#2 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Brown v. Board of Education

#3 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

Eliminated prior restraint. protected freedom of the press by allowing the New York Times to publish the "Pentagon Papers" despite the Justice Department's order to restrict it.

#4 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

McDonald v. Chicago

#5 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy

Section 2: True/false questions

#6 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Shneck v. US

freedom of speech is not absolute; free speech could be limited if its exercise presented a "clear and present danger."

#7 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Engel v. Vitale

"one man one vote". created guidelines for drawing up congresional districts and guaranteed a more equitable system of representation to the citizens of each state

#8 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Tinker v. Des Moines

Students have the right to symbolic speech at school as long as it is not disruptive

#9 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Citizens United v. FEC

A person who cannot afford an attorney may have one appointed by the government

#10 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Wisconsin v. Yoder

Gun Free School Zones Act exceeded Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce.

Triple-checked your answers?