Cookie Policy

Effective Date: February 12, 2023


Please read the full policy below for the legally binding agreement. The policy defines cookies as small text files stored on a device by a website, used to remember preferences and track use of the site. Quizaroo uses cookies for providing and improving services. Users can manage their cookie preferences through browser settings, although disabling cookies will affect the functionality of the Services.


At Quizaroo, we use cookies and similar technologies to enhance the user experience on our website and mobile application, as well as to collect information about how our Services are used.
This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, how we use them, and what your choices are with respect to cookies.


For the purposes of this Cookie Policy, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: "Cookies" are small text files that are stored on your device by a website or mobile application. They are used to remember your preferences and to track your use of the website or mobile application. "Similar Technologies" are technologies that store information on your device in a similar manner to cookies, such as local storage, web beacons, and device fingerprinting.

Cookie Use

We use cookies and similar technologies for the following purposes: To provide the Services: We use cookies to enable the Services to function and to remember your preferences, such as your language preferences and saved items. To improve the Services: We use cookies to track how the Services are used, such as what pages are visited and what features are used. This helps us to improve the Services and make them more user-friendly. For advertising purposes: We may use cookies to display targeted advertisements to you based on your interests and activity on the Services.

Cookie Management

You can manage your cookie preferences by modifying your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to block or delete cookies, as well as to receive a notification before a new cookie is stored on your device.
Please note that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of the Services.

Changes to This Cookie Policy

We may revise this Cookie Policy from time to time. The most current version of the Cookie Policy will govern our use of cookies and will always be available on our website. If we make a material change to this Cookie Policy, we will notify you by email or by posting a notice on our website. Your continued use of the Services after the effective date of the revised Cookie Policy constitutes your acceptance of the terms of the revised Cookie Policy.

Last Updated: February 12, 2023